Intelligent testing in schools: Good or Bad

Educational institutions in this era put more effort into developing students’ cognitive, intellectual capabilities and personality development. It is thought that understanding these areas’ capacities and abilities will help decide in which area the students need assistance. In the education system, intelligence tests are used to provide services to the students to understand themselves. It is a means to understand their own abilities and skills. With intelligence tests in educational institutions, we look at how the teaching and learning process is effective and in which sphere the students’ lacks behind. Accordingly, the educators can assist with their developmental strategies to provide the students with the necessary equipment and content based on their learning capabilities, interests, and abilities.

What is Intelligence Testing

Intelligence testing is a complex field to define due to various definitions and conceptualizations of intelligence. However, it can be defined as complex, multifaceted abilities, skills, and different forms of knowledge. These skills and abilities taken together can enable us to learn and help us to adapt to any change around us. In addition, we can apply different forms of knowledge and skills to solve problems that come our way. 

Intelligence testing can be done using different forms of testing which will measure our learnings, abilities, and skills. After the test, the scores come as an IQ (Intelligence Quotient) suggested by William Stern and Adopted by Lewis Terman in the Stanford Binet Scale.    

The IQ is computed as the ratio of a person’s Mental age (MA) to the

chronological age (CA), multiplied by 100 and is expressed as IQ =MA/CA × 100

There are certain advantages and disadvantages while using intelligence tests as an assessment tool. But, first, let us understand how intelligence testing has its own advantages and disadvantages:

Advantages of Intelligence Testing

Bring new approaches:

The intelligence testing aims to assess the test’s background, behaviors, and approach. This assessment can bring out new insight into the teaching-learning method. It can encourage personalized learning for the overall development of a child. Based on the child’s test results, the educators and parents can modify their teaching strategies for their personality development and boost growth in the academic and non-academic spheres. 

The Intelligence testing performed on thousands of participants from across the globe, and the results will give us a standpoint on which new insights may come into existence. The results will bring a new approach to the curriculum with classroom designs. We can find techniques and form strategies to reevaluate the curriculum. Some new insights will surely evolve as to how to present data to the students and adults to assist and encourage memory retention.

Bring into view the students who are left out:

Intelligence testing can assess the students left out by the educational institution while finding the students who will excel in academics. It becomes a crucial assessment tool for those who are considered below-average categories. Educators can provide extra training programs and instructions to eliminate the rate of students falling behind. Assistance for the students who fall behind will get their gap bridged, leveling up their courage and confidence to compete with those who always excel.

Disadvantages of Intelligence Testing

Leveling the students:

The intelligence testing that assesses the intelligence of the students or adults can develop a sense of level in themselves. Intellectual oppression may arise among the students. It might do more harm than good. The students leveled as talented or gifted might turn them into bringing up unrealistic concepts about themselves for who they are and what they can do. On the other side of the spectrum, negatively leveled students can excessively lower their self-confidence, have less stimulation and produce fewer efforts. For instance, some students might feel superior to those who dropped negatively.

Measures only one form of intelligence:

After assessing the students, the educators have come to realize that intelligence testing measures only one form of intelligence. At the same time, there are multiple forms of intelligence in children and adults. Students, children, or adults can be experts or gifted in many intelligence forms, including musical, intrapersonal, and kinetic intelligence. The intelligence tests can only find the weaknesses and criticize them without seeing the level of intelligence. It does not help in the development of their strengths.

Reduces engagement:

When the assessment levels the students positively and negatively, having decided their scores based on the test, it divides them into groups. The groups are then individually handled by the educators based on their levels, making the teaching-learning process easier. But it separates the students from connecting. It adversely affects as it leads to creating an unfriendly environment in the school.


To sum up, we would say intelligence testing is beneficial to a specific area. However, we must be mindful of why such tests should be done in the first place. And there are alternatives for valid and reliable tests. One such example is dynamic tests, and it closely measures the ‘learning ability. And simultaneously, it provides information on the requirements based on each individual.

To measure and learn about the skills and abilities of the students will assist the educators in implementing strategies based on their educational gaps. In order to provide personalized and value-based learning to carry out holistic development, it needs an advanced platform that you can trust. InventtEd has brought out cloud-based, 360-degree super-powered, developed Personality and Psychological Services for the betterment of the students and revolutionized the educational system. We take essential steps for holistic development for the students. Now it is your turn to take action to avail of the services and implement them in the educational institution.

Emotional Intelligence

Social Skills

Self Esteem and Efficacy

Personality and Temperament

Learning Style

Well Being and mental health

Work Preference (Grade 10, 11, 12)

Passion and Interests

Adversity Quotient (AQ)

Behavioral Analysis


IQ tests

Teacher Engagement

Parent Rating Assessment

Live Counseling

Career Services

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