How InventtEd help educators achieve more for their students?

Educators have a wealth of knowledge on their respective subject matters. Students require multiple years to receive their knowledge. But the time that students invest in schools and classroom is limited. Besides, there are many events and holidays where schools remain closed. On the contrary, educators have to manage different immediate situations like projects, assignments, homework, prepare exam schedules, set timetables, and many more. It reduces the time they get to discuss the valuable in-depth analysis of the subjects in the classroom. InventtEd brings the institutions and educators advanced features to shed their manual workload and focus more on the nation’s future.

InventtEd help education institutions achieve more for their students by:

InventtEd can help educational institutions by introducing various strategies to guide them with proper management systems. Following are the strategies that an educational institution can achieve for their institution:

Empowering teachers to expand classroom capabilities

There are various online tools and applications to boost the teaching quality and expand the classroom capabilities within a limited time frame. The relevant tools used by the teacher can enhance effective learning ability in the students, allow them to enjoy the learning process, and stay motivated. Encouraging and cooperative learning by creating welcoming options for the students enables teachers to expand their classroom capabilities.

Enabling administrators to do more with existing budget resources

InventtEd offers various advanced and unique tools to enable the administrative staff to do more with the existing budgets resources. It provides personality and psychology development services, ERP school solutions, LMS systems to upgrade the level of educational institutions and make a budget-friendly investment. This upgrade will surely help develop the student’s quality of learning and life.

Nurturing an environment to engage and motivate students

InventtEd helps education with effective resources to create an environment that engages and motivates students. The awards and rewards methods and collaborative learning systems can be introduced to help the students learn the value of engagement with their peer groups. The inclusion of an awards system where the students are rewarded when they succeed keeps them motivated to learn and earn more.


SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. SMART goals incorporate a sense of focus, motivation, and direction that helps the students focus on their efforts and achieve the desired goals. InventtEd provides AI tools to implement in the educational spheres of the students to achieve their important goals.

Building bridges by adding AI and advanced tools in education

InventtEd introduces advanced and unique AI tools to bridge the gap in educational institutions. It provides advanced methods that minimize the educator’s workload and impart effective and enhanced strategies for the development of the students. It provides the capability to store, manage, collect, and is accessible to the teachers, students, and parents from anywhere and at any time.

InventtEd’s School ERP software: A comprehensive school management solution

Inventt Ed’s school ERP software facilitates a comprehensive management solution that assists the institutions in the running smoothly, effectively, and effortlessly. It eliminates the necessity of laborious work like managing, organizing, and collecting a vast amount of data. Below are the detailed explanations of how InventtEd’s school ERP comes packed with management solutions.


The dashboard page in the ERP system is user-friendly and gives you effective information about what is going on in the whole administrative system. With just a click, you can access the various academic modules like Employee Management, ID Card, Library Management, Exam Management, etc. You can check on every detail like the number of students, teachers, administration staff, books in the library. It displays the data processing of the whole system.


It can store all the data related to the students of every standard.

User Role management

You can add different users to the role that grants access to the various functions of the ERPs system. You can keep a constant eye on the administrative task assigned to the different users.

System Activity log

The administrative staff can easily keep an eye on the system activity log to see the ongoing process of the management system.


The ERP can store all the data of the teachers easily.


It helps import data of all kinds to anybody who has access to the ERP system.


It updates the required course for all the students in the system to make it easier for the teachers and the students to access at any time and anywhere.

Internal Messaging

It helps to manage the internal messaging within the institution with high security and control of the user.

Query Management

This software manages the queries posted by the students to the teachers. It becomes impossible to clear the doubts of each student in a limited time of a class. Therefore, this system helps to post the questions whenever a doubt arises.

News and event- calendar notifications

The system updates the latest news and events with the date of occurrences. It can easily lead to paperless sharing of information and notify you anytime and anywhere.


While conducting exams, an institution needs to look into various activities like room allocations, invigilators, set question papers for every standard and language, etc. ERP solutions manage these activities. 


It easily facilitates marking the attendance both to the teachers and the students for the recordkeeping.


The ERP system aids in recording and declaring reports to the teachers, students, and the parents easily in the scheduled time and date to reduce the extra use of paper and time and administrative workload.

Online Examination

This system aids the teacher in preparing for the online examinations. It allows users to upload question papers, conduct an error-free assessment of the answer sheets, create question papers, and give the students accurate scores or grades based on their performance.


The ERP system manages the downloaded files and the history items for the school management.

Document management

An institution holds many documents from the admission receipt, fee receipt, admission forms, results, and various other official documents. Therefore, an ERP helps the administration system organize, collect, and store these data in an organized state so that it isn’t difficult to access any required data.

Student and teacher achievement

The ERP records the achievement of the students and teachers.


Inventt Ed’s timetable management system easily schedules and manages the preset timetable for every standard. It can easily manage class and subject allocation to the teacher. It also becomes easier for the teachers and the students to check the complete timetable from their login.


Inventt Ed’s complaint management system ensures the administrative staff the cost-effective recording, tracking, collecting, and reporting the complaints filed by the students and the faculty. It allows them to accept the feedback and quickly works to fix it.

Back-up management

The backup management system is an amazing and unique feature that helps in the backup of the data that is lost or when updated. This feature enables you to do your tasks without worrying about losing the data.

Online enrolment

It makes the admission process easier for both school administration and students by taking it online.

Teacher portal

This system allows the teacher to mark their presence and absence to the institution. Besides, it manages the payment, salary and shares data about the teacher’s qualification, salary, etc.

Learning library

Learning library helps record all the books, notes, and documents in soft copies. Thus, enabling students to access them easily by searching online.

Student portal

ERP system with Student Portal system is a massive aid to the students. It assists them in checking on their progress. They can easily upload their leave applications without visiting the school, check their attendance, assignment status, test scores, etc.

Parent portal

Parent Portal system in the Inventt Ed’s ERP system allows the administrator to easily notify the presence and absence of their children, notify about the fee payments, test scores, and assignment status of their children. And on the part of the parents, it becomes easier to constantly check on their children’s academic progress through the portal.

Online class

It facilitates the organization of online classes in just a matter of a few clicks. It can quickly schedule a meeting with the students for a class.


InventtEd facilitates a digitized form of a quiz in the ERP system to test the students’ knowledge on various subject matters to make them more engaged and motivated.

Lesson planning

The ERP can plan and update the lesson to be taught to the students. Teachers can easily plan the lessons they want to teach. It is suitable to manage and plan lessons for each standard and various languages.

Community Forum

InventtEd ERP allows schools to create communities to share extra resources with their teachers and students to aid the learning process and keep the entire school engaged.


InventtEd facilitates various management systems in its ERP solution system to reduce the manual workload that has to be done by administrative staff and educators. The inclusion of the ERP system in an institution assists the institution focus on the important aspects of the students. It is a never-ending task that runs all around the year. This tremendous amount of workload management is managed easily and smoothly by InventtEd’s ERP system. It features various advanced and unique features like:

  • Custom Branding
  • Multi-branch Management System
  • Student Information System
  • Teacher Management System
  • Classroom and Section Management System
  • Timetable Management System
  • Exam Scheduler
  • Payment & Fee Management
  • Access Management
  • SMS Gateway Service
  • Email Gateway Services

Looking for a school ERP solution? Get in touch with us!

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