How to support teachers during Covid 19 pandemic?

In response to covid-19, the schools nationwide had implemented closures of educational institutions to control the spread of the disease. While the closures protected the public’s health in the long run, the student’s study health was at stake. However, the closures of the schools could not contain the educational institutions to impart education. Therefore, the educational institutions adapted the form of high-tech resources and modalities to reach the students from every corner of the globe. It ensured a better learning pathway in the pandemic for both educators and the students.

The educators in the educational institutions were the frontline workers who have shown commitment and creativity during the pandemic. They assisted in continuing the learning process by learning the new pathways. The educators have helped learners across the globe with new technologies without sufficient training, support resources, knowledge, and guidance. To consider their efforts and give recognition, as well as to aid them, InventtEd has brought out the newest technology. To overcome the post covid situation in the educational industry keeping the educators’ issues in mind, InventtEd brought out an ERP software system with unique and super-powered features to aid them in their educational prospects.

Ways to support teachers during the Covid-19 pandemic

It is crucial to look into the root of the educational system. Educators stand as the pillar for future citizens. They provide valuable lessons to the upcoming generation to assist the development of a nation. Therefore, it becomes crucial to provide the required equipment and support to execute their learnings. Following are the ways the educators should be supported during the pandemic:

Security for the jobs, sufficient compensation for the teachers: Teachers can be supported by ensuring adequate compensation and offering them job security in this pandemic. Institutions that pay educators an adequate salary on schedule can retain qualified educators. It ensures that the teachers are motivated and approach the students-oriented teaching process even if they are threatened with their wellbeing. Educational institutions must protect the educator’s jobs to keep up with the rising student population during the pandemic and after. It will keep them motivated throughout the transition process and retain their value in the institution itself. It will help them in the long run.

Technologically support the Educators in times of crisis:

Teachers must have access to the technologies needed to approach the students with preparation. Technology should be integrated into the teaching and learning processes like a routine need. Neither the teachers nor the students have the pleasure to continue the teaching-learning process in person. To support their teaching-learning needs, the schools must provide professional technology to virtually communicate with the students. With an effective investment comes an effective solution. A piece of professional equipment for breaking the communication barriers while imparting education without barriers is needed in this pandemic. This will ease out the issues that come under the educational system. However, the teachers also do not have the same approach to technological equipment. They must be taught to record and upload the learning materials into the system to effectively hold virtual classes. Therefore they need support with diverse strategies. After the settlement of school systems, it is crucial to implement technology into the spheres of the teaching-learning process.

Reformation of initial and in-service teacher education:

In response to covid-19, the school system has taken its recourse to technological equipment. The teaching-learning process has been reformed by the situation. With the inclusion of new technology, adequate connectivity and infrastructure has been built up to cope with the needs. But many educators lack the necessary and basic ICT skills. As distance learning cannot replace teachers, reforming the ongoing educational crisis becomes crucial. The educators must be allowed to develop learner-centric practices, develop digital literacy and data assessment to enable personalized learning systems. It will harness the full benefits of the implemented technology facilitating quality distance learning. 

Support educator’s communities and initiatives:

In response to the pandemic, the educator’s communities need the support of the government and organizations to harness the benefit of virtual collaboration. It is crucial to engage themselves in professional collaboration and communication to improve their practice. The educators in the country must be given the responsibility to learn the required content. Furthermore, they must be supported with professional virtual connecting equipment to lessen the difficulties in this crisis.


To aid the educators, the frontline workers in the educational industry, a super-powered AI platform with software supporting the main functions have been brought out by InventtEd. The ERP software system supports several crucial functions that help swiftly perform the necessary tasks. First, the institutions can personalize their institution with the required settings. Institutions having multi branches within different locations can manage their seamless communication with a multi-branch management system. The ERP system has features like a student information system, classroom and section management system, timetable Management System to make a pathway for seamless communication. It provides pathways and facilitates them to collect, store, manage, and aid the educators in managing all the institutions’ systems at their fingertips.

The ERP also has an exam scheduler, payment and fee management, SMS gateway, and Email Gateway system to break all the barriers between the educators and the student’s management process. The exam scheduler aids the educators with their scheduling exams and collecting question papers, checking them without much effort, and being error-free. Educationists, being the greatest warrior in this pandemic having the future in their hands, must require these crucial technologies to make their teaching-learning process easier. Besides handling the sheer amount of work from home, they can provide effective learning materials and engage in a collaborative active learning environment. It will assist the educationists in imparting education from their homes, effectively breaking the communication barriers, creating an institution-like environment. The ERP provides an easy pathway for collecting data, circulation of information, live chat, live class, and many more.

Call InevnttEd for the ERP services.

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